Inspiration from the Presiding Bishop

Presiding Bishop Michael Curry was at the Diocese of Southern Virginia's clergy conference yesterday.  He had many inspirational and thoughtful things to say.  One thing that struck me was this, and I'm paraphrasing here. 

Our job as Christians is to allow ourselves to be formed into the likeness of Jesus.  You can't do for yourself.  No other person can do it for you.  But a deep and continuing experience of Word and Sacrament, both, together, as ways of encountering Jesus, can form us into his likeness. 

Experience of  the Word means to study the Bible, and especially the Gospel Good News of Jesus, prayerfully and regularly.  Experience of the Sacrament means to participate in Holy Communion regularly, which connects us ever closer to Jesus, to each other, and to our true selves.

Do you encounter Jesus in your study of the Bible?  Do you encounter Jesus in receiving Holy Communion?  Are you allowing those experiences to form you into the likeness of Jesus?


  1. As Gods children, we are blessed to encounter Jesus in many ways. Our church provides so many wonderful opportunities to facilitate this. I find I encounter Jesus particularly when serving or lay reading. It’s a wonderful aspect of our worship. Participation.


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